E-mail us: info@promanse.com
We earn for you all year round
Comprehensive strategy of apartment positioning, access to the right kind of clients and optimization of rates and occupancy…
Our clients after learning what we can do for them, always choose us and here is why…
Some People after years of managing they apartment for themselves finally found the way to us. At our first contact, we learned what occupancy in they apartment is and they are disturbed not only by that result, but also with the type of clients that stay at apartment. After they turn the keys over to us, after only two months, clients are surprised, occupancy jumped to a steady 80-90%.
Right after clients give us the keys, we commissioned home staging for apartment as well as some minor repairs, thanks to which we were able to significantly improve the standard of the property. Next, we organized a professional photo session with the aim of reaching a particular type of client.
Moreover, we standardized communication with guests, so that they feel they are being served professionally. We also looked after clients online reputation – we strive for the best guest reviews possible and contact them if there ever is a need.
In developing a long-term pricing strategy, we took a range of variables into account, according to which prices per night can be corrected daily as needed. Our main starting point is supply and demand, which is combined with constant monitoring of the competition to properly position the apartment on the short-term rental market.
Our knowledge of the market situation and expertise in the area of comprehensive management of short-term rental apartments enable us to achieve on average two, and sometimes even three-times better financial results than average for a given city.
With our Clients trust in our expertise, we were able in a short time to establish an 80-90% occupancy rate and raising the standard of the apartment allowed access to an entirely new type of client. Thanks to this, the rates rose significantly. and the apartment draws not only vacationers in the tourist season, but also business travellers in the of year that are less attractive for sightseeing. That ensures our clients a high level of profits all year round.
Theys initial vacillation over the choice of how to rent apartment was quickly resolved when it turned out that by deciding to rent short-term, they earns four times as much in the high season as he would if he were renting out the property long-term.
Satisfaction and the sense of financial stability that clients especially appreciates is inclining him toward investing in another property, which he also intends to entrust for management to our experts at Promanse.